After a trip to the doctor, Patrick discovers
that he is a Somnambulist (AKA a sleepwalker). Patrick is not distressed by this title, he's claims it with pride and is perfectly happy to be not-quite-normal after all. With his newfound confidence, he begins to do amazing
things. You really have to read this book to see what that clever penguin is up to.
Sarah Ackerley's beautiful pen and watercolor illustrations add so much to her witty text. I was amazed by how much emotion she was able to convey with such simple drawings of penguins. Just look how anguished Patrick's parents appear to be in this illustration.

Kids will get a big kick out of the funny things Patrick does in his sleep, while parents will be laughing out loud as the recognize penguin versions of the human world (my favorite is the Conan O'Brianesque penguin interviewing Patrick on a talkshow).
The downside to this book is that this is Sarah's first book, so you can't rush out to pick up another book about Patrick, and believe me, you will want to. To tide you over in the meantime you can check out her online portfolio or her blog.
I love being amazed at simple drawings with so emotion--how do they do that? Thank you for reviewing this book I can't wait to check it out. My kids and I LOVE a funny book!
Yay Patrick!!
We love this one too!
ps. Is it ok for me to be cheering for the Cybils book I nominated on a Judge's site??? If not, feel free to delete the Yay Patrick, above....
I will look for this one for my penguin loving son!
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