Am I the last one to hear of the
blog Terrible Yellow Eyes? Illustrator Cory Godbey says
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak has always been tremendously important to him. He decided to contact many of his favorite artist in hopes to curate a collection of paintings as a tribute to the book and he displays them all on the blog
All I can say is, "Wow!" You have to go straight to the blog to see it for yourself. I want a copy of each and everyone. And many more are still coming! Here are a few of my favorites to prove to you that you need to go straight to the site. Godbey says it's like a visual love letter to the book and I have to agree.
Awesome blog. Thanks for turning me on to it. Would love to get prints of some of those. Very fun.
No. You are not the last. Thanks for pointing me over to it. It's fantastic!
isn't this site the best? Love your blog!
I love your book club idea. I live in NJ so I'll read your blog from afar. But thank you for doing it - it's great to find like minded people. By the way, do you have a July and August meeting or do you take off for the summer?
The illustrations from "Where the Wild Things Are" have a magical way of transporting me back to a time when I was 6 years old... now I look at my 6 year old and bask in her wonder as she marvels in the myriad children's book illustrations that she admires. One of our recent faves: "Danny the Dragon Meets Jimmy" -
I googled some information about a book and your blog was at the top of the hit list! Way to go Stephanie! You are definitely a mover and shaker in the child lit category.
thanks for recommending a great blog...
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