Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Dog in Chris Van Allsburg's books

Awhile ago the Blue Rose Girls posted about finding the dog in Chris Van Allsburg's picture books. I did a project on Van Allsburg a long time ago and I thought some of you might like this key. I haven't added his newest book Probuditi, but if you're having trouble finding the dog it appears as a teapot on a shelf. I think if you click on my key you might be able to see a bigger copy, but if you want me to email you a copy just leave me a comment with your email address.

I also had to share this quote that I think explains a lot of Van Allsburg's work.
"Lucky are the children who know there is a jolly fat man in a red suit who pilots a flying sleigh. We should envy them. And we should envy the people who are so certain martians will land in their back yard that they keep a loaded Polaroid camera by the back door. The inclination to believe in the fantastic may strike some as a failure in logic, or gullibility, but it's really a gift. A world that might have Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster in clearly superior to one that definitely does not."
- Chris Van Allsburg


Anonymous said...

Marcel from The Sweetest Fig isn't Fritz "the dog." I always thought he was, but I read somewhere that Fritz is on the label of a wine bottle in the kitchen. I never realized until I read that, but Marcel doesn't have the brown around his eye...

Anonymous said...

would you please send me a copy of the fritz key. i am doing an author study and this would be great to add to my display

Anonymous said...

Please email me a copy of the Fritz key!! Thank you...ellij28@yahoo.com

Babs253 said...

Please mail me a copy of the Fritz key. Thanks

Two Degrees said...

COuld you email me at minmintong@hotmail.com?

Anonymous said...

can you email me fast at: lets_go_leafs29@hotmail.com

Mike E. said...

Please e-mail me a copy. thank you so much!!!

Anonymous said...

Can you send me a copy of the Fritz key!


Anonymous said...

Could I please have a copy of the key to use with my fourth graders? Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Can you email me the key at varmsb@verizon.net? Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Can you please send me a copy of the Fritz key to apolek@nasd.k12.pa.us and also just in case ampolek@comcast.net. Thanks, it looks awesome but it is so small.

Anonymous said...

I am doing an author study on Chris van Allsburg, I would love to have the key to finding fritz. Please email me at jackie.vanderven@sistransfiguration.org. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I am a children's Librarian and I'd love to share your findings of Fritz with my students. If you could send me a copy of your Fritz key I'd really apprecaite it!
Thanks in advance...



mark Miller said...

if u could send me a copy of the key and if possible a copy of the key with no answers on it yet
Thank you very much

Anonymous said...

Could you please email me the key to

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I would greatly appreciate a copy of your key.
Many thanks.

Anonymous said...


Great key!
I would love to have a copy of that for an author study that I am doing.

Thanks bunches!

Anonymous said...


I'd love to have a copy of this key.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

It would be wonderful to have a copy of this! My email is: speedygirl@shaw.ca
Thank You!

Anonymous said...

oh thats not fritz on the sweestest fig its on a page where hes in the kichen and theres a bottle and a pic on it thats fritz

Anonymous said...

Could you please email me at
mariap2468@gmail.com. Thank you. My class is starting a project on him and my teacher said thatat the end of it we'll have to find the dogs in his books. Also, if you have any good sites for chris van allsburg that would help. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please email me the answer key to finding Fritz.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Email a copy please. jtrosen2001@gmail.com

Unknown said...

Just found your post. I am doing an Author Study this month of Chris Van Allsburg and would love an answer key to finding fritz, if you are still sharing. Many thanks, Kellie

Anonymous said...

Could you email it to me please


I would really appreciate it! Thank you

Unknown said...

Would you please email me a copy of your Fritz key at jeannek@rcs.k12.in.us Thanks

Mike E. said...

Please send me a copy of your Fritz key thank you.


Thanks you

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have a copy of this key.

Thanks you


Anonymous said...

I'd love a key! Can you send it to me?

My address is:


Anonymous said...

Please email me a copy of your key if this is not too late.

Mira said...

Thanks for the offer to forward a copy of the "key" to Finding Fritz!

I am a K-5 enrichment teacher at a Department of Defense school in NC. I'm most appreciative.

Regards, mm


Valerie said...

I would be great if you could sent me a copy of your work on the dog. I'm french and I'm studying this author at university. valeriehibon@aol.com . Thank you.

Teisa Linscott said...

Can you sent me a copy of the key. I'm teaching some 2nd graders about this author. Thanks. teisalinscott@gmail.com

Kelli said...

I'd love to have a key! A colleague and I do a Chris Van Allsburg activity for our school's literacy night. The students would really enjoy this!

Angela West said...

Please send me a copy!


Anonymous said...

Please email me a copy of this!

Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Please send me the copy! Thanks! :) wsnyder@mwsd.cc

Anonymous said...

Please email me: kel4ravens@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Would you please email me :) 2015971@rcsdk12.org

Ms. B

Anonymous said...

Hi! Would you be able to email me a larger copy of the Van Allsburg key? My students will love this! Thank you, Ms. P. (aperna1@hotmail.com)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Fritz is located in "The Misadventures of Sweetie Pie"?

Unknown said...

I would like a copy of the Key. Thank you. Lybarra@southsanisd.net or lydiaybarra@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

Good morning,
Could you please send me the Fritz key? I am doing an author study and would love to use it. Thank you! chultgren@ewsd.org