Wednesday, November 04, 2009

November - Novels in Verse

We focused on Novels in Verse at our November meeting, and I was happy to hear how many members loved the books, even when they thought they might not. Here are the books that we discussed.
*SOLD by Patricia McCormick (SL county library has two entries for this. Lots of copies available under 2nd)
Both the above YA books deal with sexual abuse although Natasha doesn't consider them graphic. Just a fair warning.
*WHERE I LIVE by Eileen Spinelli (short, younger crowd) (Oh, I wish I could draw like Matt Phelan!)

*LOCOMOTION by Jacqueline Woodson (beautiful book)


Caroline Starr Rose said...

I'll have to look into these! It's embarrassing to admit, but I sold my verse novel having only read two beforehand.

I've got a lot of reading to do...

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Where I live is fabulous.

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