I decided to make one book mandatory for discussion and I recommend reading the rest if you have time. The book I most wanted to discuss was When you Reach Me by Rebecca Stead
Then we also discuss the first book in the 39 Clues series: The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordanand Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman (we all thought the way this book is integrated with videoclips online was really interesting, but we were all mad about the abrupt ending!)
Then if you want to read more mysteries I added two bonus books: Masterpiece by Elise Broach
And Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta (This one has A LOT of bad language, but it will suck you in!)
I'm a great fan of mystery books.
information which is very useful at all, after reading this we are very interested to read the other information
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nice post, thanks
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