I remember being enchanted by the Land of Chewandswallow when I was little. I'm a little sad the movie preview looks so different than the original illustrations by Ron Barrett, but I'm still curious to see the movie this fall.
Friday, May 22, 2009
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Took the kids to Night at the Museum over the weekend and they had this trailer before the movie. After the trailer, both of my oldest (boys, aged 9 and 7) looked at me and said "That looks awesome! Can we see it"
We'll be reading the book this summer. Should be fun. :)
I loved the pancake falling on the school. LOL
Oh, that kind of makes me sad. I was also a child completely intrigued by the Land of Chewandswallow and it seems like this movie holds just a fraction of the joy that the book has. But, that being said, I'll still see it, just like Where the Wild Things Are out of idle curiosity.
I LOVED this book as a child...and now my 4 yr old daughter LOVES the book also! I am so glad I kept my copy so she could have it to enjoy!
Marvelous video.
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