Before you read this post, be warned that no matter how many times I change it, Blogger keeps doing crazy things to the text size and spacing in the post. Sorry!
We're trying something new this June we will be meeting with local author Ann Cannon to discuss some of her books! I first heard Ann speak years ago when I was in college and she was just toying with the idea to write a book about a boy working in a video shop with wearing an old employees exotic name tag. I never imagined that years later I would be hosting a book club to discuss that very book (The Loser's guide to Love and Life: A Novel). I'm excited and also a little bit nervous about how to run things (any advice?)
For our selection of Ann's books, I chose:

Charlotte's Rose

The Loser's Guide to Life and Love: A Novel

The Pirate Pete and Pirate Joe easy-to-read series
Ann's other books are really great, but they are a little bit difficult to get your hands on because most are sadly out of print and our local library doesn't have many copies so I couldn't choose them. Hopefully each book clubber will come with a question or two for Ann. You can get to know more about A.E. Cannon on her website and on her blog or you can read her column in the Deseret News. Let me know if you have any questions you'd like me to ask her.