Wednesday, September 07, 2005

October - Banned Books

Tara MacArthur will be hosting October’s bookclub and the topic is banned books.
Here are Tara’s picks:

Julie of the Wolves – by Jean Craighead George
A Wrinkle in Time – by Madeline L’Engle
How to Eat Fried Worms – by Thomas Rockwell
Bridge to Terebithia – by Katherine Paterson
The Story of Little Black Sambo – by Helen Bannerman

If you haven’t read The Giver by Lois Lowry, please try to read that too because we’ll be including it in our discussion

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Quills Award

The Quills Awards are a new national book award that honors excellence in writing and publishing, including consumers in the voting process. Designed to inspire reading while promoting literacy, the Quills will honor winners in more than 15 different categories,
including Book of the Year, Debut Author Of The Year, and Lifetime Achievement.

They have a children's picture book category, a children's chapter book catergory and a teen category. I believe that we read books from these categories this year and it is a award based on people's choice, so you can go to the website - and vote! The awards will be on tv on October 22nd (maybe on NBC??) I thought it would be cool to watch authors win these awards like the Emmy's or something.

PS - Thanks Cassie for letting us know about this!